This is pretty good and I could imagine to also do dubstep dance to this ^^
This is pretty good and I could imagine to also do dubstep dance to this ^^
I think this song is the first of a kind that can cause seizures.
Interesting track with many variation I like it even if it's parts are a bit shuffled
Thank you!
It's like Decepticons screaming battlecries right into your ear. I love it!
I really like the mellow style of this piece. Good chord progression, Instruments, voice part and sample quality. Good job =)
thanks :)
Holy Moly, a genius at work. This track is a vacation.
All Instruments are well chosen and Laura Brehms Voice is mastered to perfection.
Just one little thing on my Sennheiser HD800S is scratching my ears in a harsh way - the Kickdrum. It seems to be clipping with a lot of compressed subbass which falls flat floating in the outer space. Besides that the song couldn't be performed better in my opinion.
Holy Moly this represents the essence of Retrowave Krussi. I love these soft drums and perfect reverbed synths who give a feeling of room and free space which leads me to think on wide open places I've never been in person. Go steady ^-^v
You can bring the appropriate excitement, excellent synthchoice, fluidity and enjoyment in this piece. A great track Krussi <3
This is pretty solid. Did you reconstruct the Orchestral part with your VST's? The only 2 things I can critisize is it's too short and the clipping above 0DB mark. If the song isn't loud enough I just turn the Volume up but that's maybe only me cause I like clean Mastered songs. Otherwise great Dubstep remix.
Yeah, this is entirely remade from scratch. Thanks for the feedback dude :)
This must be really combined with effort. It's one of the best pieces in quality on NG which VST did you use for the instruments or the voice, is it your real voice?
Well thank you very much! That's a high compliment. Yeah, the voice is recorded by myself :)
Making Excellent Music (>^_^)>*
Age 38, Male
Joined on 5/16/08