Making Excellent Music (>^_^)>*

Age 37, Male


Joined on 5/16/08

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First my special thanks go to Newgrounds ... one word " AWESOME!!! " =D

2nd I want to thank the fair voters who make it possible to stand in the top 30 and share thoughts which are contain in every song .

I'm mainly an Ambient Artist so ...

Some nasty people said to me " What the heck is that for a s*** piece of music !? "
( the " s*** " means " slow " because it seems people are annoyed to hear slow things )

But I don't care about it because I have my thoughts and imagins of hopes and dreams I want to catch in notes ... in a song ... in a poem of music

and that is what everyone is trying to do ... my latest submissions

Trancotic Symphony

Symphony of Dreams

short Inferno Town theme

Heaven Town theme

are a mirror of my hopes and dreams and I decided to share them with other people who get maybe inspirated and give us back some of their thoughts ... their hopes and dreams

I want to feel other thoughts of people and I want to feel music Newgrounds make that possible with this great community site and I want to give back something too

I want to honour some amazing artists and their thoughts without I never had get that inspiration =)

EON with Universe City

Fredtherealist with Ode

ProfessorMordarm with Symphony Cruiser

Sp1r1T with Motion of Movement

nal1200 with Tea and Crumpets

FreezeBees (PsyWoofers) with Electronic Symphony

groovatron with last chance ...

Tax-5 with I lost my Heart

F-777 with When a Tear is Shed - F-777

nal1200 with Vivid Illusions

special thanks to this artist ( I enjoy the mental exchange with you ;) )

Chzz with

The Sea Above

and Thunder Tree

and I thank of course all other serious artists in Newgrounds =)

I hope you enjoy the music

greetings Semaphore

Recent Game Medals

14,765 Points

Go Digging 5 Points

Play Wordle Defense

Cleaner 50 Points

Collect all items from the apartment

Damage master! 25 Points

Unlock the three damage power ups.

Speed master! 25 Points

Unlock the three shooting speed power ups!

TRAPED! 5 Points

Trap an enemy!

First blood!! 5 Points

Defeat an enemy.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

I hate myself and I want to die. 25 Points


Level Up 25 Points

Unlocked the increased XP perk

Extra Life 25 Points

Unlocked the extra lives perk

Latest Shared Creations

Mr. MCMinecraft

Added to skins for Skincraft Aug 29, 2011.

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