perfect =)
this is the best and most qualitatively song I've heard from you
I like it so much that I remixed it =D
I hope your not angry about ^_^
perfect =)
this is the best and most qualitatively song I've heard from you
I like it so much that I remixed it =D
I hope your not angry about ^_^
Glad you liked it man ^^
And I seriously love your idea on the remix! Can't wait to hear the full thing ^^
Ofc I'm not angry xD I think its awesome that you've remixed my song ^^
Thanks for the review and the "10" :D
And let me know when the song is complete ^^
nice Krussi =)
I've listened to many of your songs in the last time and we love the same chords =D
great work =)
I hope you make more of such wonderful sounding songs ;)
yeah, I've noticed that aswell Sema :D We should make a collab someday, I think it'd come out as an awesome track :D Thanks alot for the review and the "10" Sema, I appreciate it alot :D
nice =)
I love especially the composition in 0:08 - 0:17
maybe you could make a whole song out of this
great composition
worthy to be in the top 30 =)
I love your choice of instruments
it sounds very lovely
Thank you very much. I'm glad that the instruments sounded nice to you. ^_^
remember me on ...
the music of the game city life =D
pretty cool
I love the way how the violins come in =)
sounds pretty cool =)
the mastering contain distorting parts when the mainsynths play ( maybe that is because I have cheap headphones )
but I don't care about =)
I love the hall effect and the paradise flare in it ^^
^^ thanks xD
great work =)
I think there's a great variety in it
the mastering and the composition is also very cool =)
keep on the great work
Krussi I've never heard that bildup in NG especially the last 4 chords are very harmonic
I was so close on them but I never had get them =D
you should taper off the chords like exactly at 0:40 that's the perfect end for that bildup in the intro ... ok on this point I have seen that you made a remix (hearing remix) ok the bildup of MashedByMachines - Reamee is exactly what I mean =)
I think the drums and bass are in both not really fitting in yours is the position somehow wrong and in his is the chioce of the sound of bass not the best for the song ( I have problems with drums by myself everytime so I search for an artist who insert them xD you should do the same ;) ) his instruments are good but in 2:25 to repetitive your piano part is perfect and better as the original the piano instrument sounds very good it's well composed in sound and tact GREAT !
the rest of your choice of instruments are cool too
I hadn't decided for other myself
the mastering is clear all the time no distort (self by my cheap headphones ^^)
ok I could write hours long in bad english xD but the short way to mention my opinion to make the song better is
- use the chord bildup of Reamee
- insert new drums ( let decide an skilled artist =D because I would do it ;) )
- stay at your piano part =)
- and make the song LONGEEEEEER!!!! =D
if you want you can send me the project to my emailadress because my fingers cryin for a remix of the remix xD so I haven't do it alone and maybe our collab will be really great ;)
greetings Semaphore
That must be the longest review I've ever seen xD
Hmm, where should I start :P
I've had this project on hold for a long time, since I didn't really know what I should do with it xD At first, I wanted to do a classical/ambient remix of the song, but at the same time, I wanted to do a little harder trance remix of it. I'd love to do a collab with you :D and I can send the Flp to your emailadress :P I can change the VSTi's I've used (Nexus, zt3a and another one) to like Syntrus or something, so you wont have a problem opening it :P
Thanks for the awesome review Sema :D I appreciate it alot, since it came from you, and it was so long and interesting to read :P
All of the World ... finally
I've heard this song first in the game frets on fire were I made a perfect score to it xD
to this time I didn't made music yet
I was so excited as I found the song in here =)
this song is one reason why I start this because to my ears it's absolutely perfect and I want to let you know that the song self it's unfinished is a great inspiration and one of the best techno songs with one of the most impressiv composition in the world
if you will finish this one day I want to be one of the first who hear that masterpiece =)
very nice =)
the drums and beats are great , I love this harmonizing composition
and the mastering is clear =)
good job mate
greetings Semaphore
Thanks, if I just were able to re-make the drums and copy it on a book :/.
Glad you like it =).
Making Excellent Music (>^_^)>*
Age 38, Male
Joined on 5/16/08