I'm a great Banjo Kazooie fan
I love the music =D
maybe you could make a remake of the outworldmusic
if you do pm me ^^
I'm a great Banjo Kazooie fan
I love the music =D
maybe you could make a remake of the outworldmusic
if you do pm me ^^
what was the overworld music again? i cant remember it do you have an mp3 or something you can show me
really cool =)
this song has character
it doesn't play a important roll how good the mastering is
this is a song I've never heard with that chords in this structure and something is holding me to listen to this song till the end =)
worthy to be in the top 30
greetings Semaphore
very nice =)
this sounds very cool
you choose many instrumentsand effects and choosed a really cool tact
cool thing ^^
was very funny
would be funnier with a flash movie =)
wow that's really a temperamentful song =)
it sounds great
may I ask you which program you use?
Hi, first off, I appreciate the review.
I use:
FL with these plugins:
Edirol Orchestral
Edirol Sound Quartette (I think that's what it's called)
and a few others.
very inspirating
normally I don't like jazz , I think I just listened to "hardcore-jazz"
but your style to mix that cool drum beats with the guitar solo is really cool
I just tryed to play this riff and after a time I got it , but I noticed
that it's very difficult to make a good jazz-guitar mix like this one
I love the soundhole at the beginning and the organ at 0:14 and 0:28 and all the other implementations
the coolest thing is you don't hear when it's finished it fit's perfect for a loop in the NG player =D
I haven't noticed if the song is over first
during I write this review I lost myself more and more in this song
really great
I will add you as my favorite jazz artist =)
and will hear a bit of your work day for day ;)
greetings Semaphore
Hey, thanx for the very nice words, glad that you like my works.This is actually just the backing track for the guitar contest/challenge, there is a version with solo also.
by "Hardcore Jazz" I guess you meant those hard to listen atonal fast shredding high saxophone annoying things ... well, I'm more into Funk and more "easy listen" jazz, hope you'll check more of my music and like it (I reccomend "90 Funk" "E-Funk New Version" "In the Land of Seven Sounds")
great sound
on some parts it sounds like inspector gadget theme xD
Making Excellent Music (>^_^)>*
Age 38, Male
Joined on 5/16/08