Heaven ( Town ) =D
remember me on LotR ^^
I like the marimba
but I think you should take another Brass-synth which sounds softer till 1:40
maybe a oboe
the rest of the song is great =)
Heaven ( Town ) =D
remember me on LotR ^^
I like the marimba
but I think you should take another Brass-synth which sounds softer till 1:40
maybe a oboe
the rest of the song is great =)
Glad you liked it Sema :D
I guess what gave me insperation to the intro was your song "Heaven Town" :D
However, I will remove the vocals, and delete the synth melody and make a completly different melody and make this into an original song instead of a remix :P
And I'll probably change the synth into something else :P
Anyhow, thanks alot for the review, the "9" but most of all, your support Sema ^^
great work
don't give a damn about Kolpols' review
I love your music
keep it up and one day you will be a famous artist ^_^
Thanks I think I'm gonna go for that =D
cool nen grösstenteils deutscher song =D
( cool the biggest part is german )
musikalisch perfekt umgesetzt
( your voice and the instruments sounds great and are intact )
sag mal , du bist nicht zufällig einer aus stefan raabs band? xD
( I think he's a member of a band in a famous show in germany called TV TOTAL xD )
klingt genauso funky ;)
( sounds funky like the band )
das sind für mich eindeutig 10 sterne(stars) und 5 punkte(points)
grüße Semaphore
Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt :)
I'm glad you liked it :)
Ich bin nicht aus Raabs Band, aber ich mag deren Musik ;)
I'm not a member of Raabs Band but I like their music ;)
vivid future
I've never heard such breakbeat and ultramelodic together before
sounds very interesting and like a ambientmusic vision of the future =)
all sounds harmonic and clear
the chords are lovely
go ahead with thinking above our time ;)
greetings Semaphore
Thank you sir.
really great
I love the chords
your choice of the far hall was great
the instruments was well chosen
and the mastering is great too
greetz Semaphore
Thanks :)
sounds nice =)
the bells and the violin give the chords a smooth mood ^^
a very chinese flare =)
and the chords are delicious like ever =D
when this PC sounds set in at 1:13 and the pan goes left to right .... that's AWESOME!!!
the mastering is absolutely great
have'nt heard any distorting in my cheap headphones
( I'm so sorry but my fingers scream for a remix of the remix again xD)
the beginning is almost the same as the original one, and since I love the beginning in the original, I decided to make it that way :P
We certainly do like the same type of chords :D
Yeah, I've been experimenting lately with paning certain instruments, and I like that aswell, it kinda gives dynamics to the song :P
I'm not completely satiesfied with the mastering and the EQing, but it'll do for now.
hahaha :D I can send you eighter an flp or an midi, your choice :P
Anyhow, thanks alot for the support Sema, and for the review and the full score :D
Cheers man :P
love the chords =)
I know the beat from any other song .... mhh
HAH I remembered thats the beat from this preview song in Fruity Loops Studio
and the vocals go " you never let me down ...." =D
but you changed the melody completely in this lovely chords I use by myself
and don't care about faxmunky's opinion like I don't care about my english xD
the melody is great !!! additional instruments are not necessary =)
nice mastering , nice melody , nice song
KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!! and neeeever let bring you down ;)
Making Excellent Music (>^_^)>*
Age 38, Male
Joined on 5/16/08