great job =)
great drums , composition and effects ^^
and your right 0 voter should go in jail =D
you get a 10 in the review and a 5 in the vote from me =)
great job =)
great drums , composition and effects ^^
and your right 0 voter should go in jail =D
you get a 10 in the review and a 5 in the vote from me =)
Thanks for the review and votes :D
unfortunately I can express me in language of music so I try to describe my thoughts in words ^^
I love these soft percussion which sorround the whole chord
and the harplike soft sounding instrument that give a uncomparing character to this song
the drums are convenient recessive and the other synthsounds are deliberates used
the whole song is well mastered
this song animate to think , give a great mood and emotion and that's what a good song should contain for me =)
if you stay at this musical level you will be one of the best here in newgrounds I can only wish and dream I were good like you
don't waste your time to make other things besides music ;)
Thank you very, very much my friend! :D
good beginning =)
you have my full assistance to make a whole song out of it =)
more instruments and parts would improve that song to be one of the top 30 ^^
Thank you I plan on possibly extending it but I have a few projects I am working on now. I will check out some of your audio submisions.
pretty cool =)
I like the drums and the tact and the change of instruments very much =)
the composition is nice to ^^
at 1:54 it's a little bit distorting in my bad headphones =D
but the violins are really great I think you should take out the distort sounding instrument it would be clearer
the point minus is because you could take another clearer sounding instruments you made it in FL right?
use only sytrus instruments , use a stereo enhancer and a fruity limiter in the mixer
and the gutiar at 0:20 should be a distorto guitar ^^
and the instrument at 0:40 and 0:50 could be a organ and piano instrument ;)
if you make it new with my tipps you can give it to listen to me
or send me the project xD
I'll see what I can do, but changing the distortion might take away from the overall feel I was going for. It was suppose to sound light but dark at the same time. Maybe a cello instead?
great stuff man could be longer ;)
col ambient
I love the quiete style you use =D
this harmonic compositions I would never imagine
that's really interesting to see what's possible
and how different artists can be ^^
keep on mate !
for the future of this track i want to build more variety and i will use other equipment for the perc and drumming parts... watch out
ty for the review ;)
i hope your creative break is done soon ;)
mystic flare =)
great mastering =D
the drums are ingenious
and this mystery chords give a sci fi atmosphere ^^
nice job exzez hope to hear more such great things ;)
thanx buddy...
but i think the beat sounds "to much" like software... its my doubt, but
in the future ich will use the elektron machiedrum and the jomox mbase01 for extreme powerfull drummings... ;)
greets =)
very nice =)
great composition there is very much potential in you ;)
This took me almost 30 minutes.
I wish I had more time... I'm leaving for the Air Force in 5 days
Making Excellent Music (>^_^)>*
Age 38, Male
Joined on 5/16/08